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Text editors and IDEs

Text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are robust programming and code tools. However, we suggest using a word processor to write documents, like LibreOffice or OnlyOffice. There are numerous options for text editors and IDEs, and we have compiled a list of some of them in our software installation script.

By default, Windows has Notepad installed. If you want something more advanced, check some of the options below.


Notepad++ is a more advanced text editor than Notepad. It allows you to write code or edit any other text files, with syntax highlighting and more. Notepad++ is highly customizable, making it a versatile tool for power users.

winget install -e --id Notepad++.Notepad++

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Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, or VSCode, is a feature-rich text editor at an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) level. It supports plugins and many programming languages and has an intuitive user interface.

winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode

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VSCodium is an open-source version of Visual Studio Code without Microsoft branding and telemetry.

winget install -e --id VSCodium.VSCodium

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